
Mendobrak Tantangan In House Counsel dalam Berinovasi

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APCCA dan ALITA didukung Hukumonline menggelar webinar bertema Digitalization & Innovation: Removing Barriers to the In-House Counsel Innovation Journey – How to Get Support from CEOs & Business Leaders, Senin (30/11).
Acara yang dibuka oleh Anil Changaroth, APCCA Director of International Relations dan Josh Lee, Chairperson of Steering Committee ALITA ini menghadirkan tiga pembicara yakni, CEO & CTO of Hukumonline Arkka Dhiratara, Honorary Treasure of Malaysia Corporate Counsel Association Revantha Sinnetamby dan Founder LITE Lab@HKU and ACMI Brian Tang.
APCCA dan ALITA didukung Hukumonline menggelar webinar bertema Digitalization & Innovation: Removing Barriers to the In-House Counsel Innovation Journey – How to Get Support from CEOs & Business Leaders, Senin (30/11).
APCCA dan ALITA didukung Hukumonline menggelar webinar bertema Digitalization & Innovation: Removing Barriers to the In-House Counsel Innovation Journey – How to Get Support from CEOs & Business Leaders, Senin (30/11).
Acara yang dibuka oleh Anil Changaroth, APCCA Director of International Relations dan Josh Lee, Chairperson of Steering Committee ALITA ini menghadirkan tiga pembicara yakni, CEO & CTO of Hukumonline Arkka Dhiratara, Honorary Treasure of Malaysia Corporate Counsel Association Revantha Sinnetamby dan Founder LITE Lab@HKU and ACMI Brian Tang.
Acara yang dibuka oleh Anil Changaroth, APCCA Director of International Relations dan Josh Lee, Chairperson of Steering Committee ALITA ini menghadirkan tiga pembicara yakni, CEO & CTO of Hukumonline Arkka Dhiratara, Honorary Treasure of Malaysia Corporate Counsel Association Revantha Sinnetamby dan Founder LITE Lab@HKU and ACMI Brian Tang.
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