Pelatihan Hukumonline 2016

Drafting Commercial Contract in English

Techniques for Drafting and Analyzing Commercial Contracts in English


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Drafting Commercial Contract in English
Drafting Commercial Contract in English
Drafting Commercial Contract in English
Drafting Commercial Contract in English
Pelatihan ini merupakan pelatihan yang rutin diadalan setiap tahun. Untuk tahun 2016, minat terhadap pelatihan ini sangat baik hingga harus diselenggarakan dengan membuka 2 kelas, yaitu pada 24-25 Agustus di ruang Monas 1 Aryaduta Hotel dan 6-7 September 2016 di Ruang Monas 2 Aryaduta Hotel. Narasumber yang memberikan materi adalah Keld Conradsen, LL.B., LL.M., MBA. (Foreign Counsel to DDC Lawyers and Business Adviser). Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah untuk memberikan keahlian bagi peserta untuk menyusun kontrak komersial. Materi yang dibahas dalam pelatihan ini meliputi:

1. teknik-teknik menyusun kontrak komersial,
2. struktur kontrak,
3. pemilihan susunan kata dalam kontrak,
4. plain english,
5. bilingual contracts , dan
6. tips dalam menyusun kontrak komersial.

Peserta yang hadir sangat antusias dan interaktif, terutama saat sesi diskusi dengan narasumber. Pelatihan terlaksana dengan sangat lancar.


Keld Conradsen, LL.B., LL.M., MBA

Keld Conradsen is currently foreign counsel to DDC Lawyers and Business Advisers. He has over two decades of broad commercial law experience working as a commercial lawyer advising corporations and individuals with cross border matters in multiple countries. Amongst others, he formerly worked as foreign counsel at 2 of Jakarta’s preeminent commercial law firms and before that with other large international law firms including time in Tokyo, Japan. In addition to his more recent work with Indonesian lawyers, his first degree was an LLB from a Japanese University in the Japanese language which served as initial basis in helping and working with non-native English speakers to produce English language contracts and other documents. The production of English language documents has always been central to his work which has continuously involved issues associated with the language and drafting challenges faced by non-native English speakers and working with and helping them to produce and refine English language legal documents. He also assists hukumoline with the production of their English language products.