
#klinik english edition

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Provisions for Hosting Esports Tournaments and Leagues in Indonesia

Event organizers both local and international who wish to host esports championships in Indonesia mu...


Difference between Old-Age Security and Pension Security

Before answering the main question about what is the difference between old-age security and pension...


Hors de Combat Protection in the Law of War

Hors de combat in short is defined as a person who is recognized or who in certain circumstances sho...


The Role of the United Nations in Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In principle, the UN's involvement in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict began with the issu...


Terms of Working Period for Foreigners in Indonesia

By law, Foreign workers can only be employed in Indonesia in an employment relationship for a certai...


Terminated Foreign Workers Entitled to Severance Pay?

In principle, Foreign Workers ("TKA") can only be employed in employment relationships for certain p...


Terms of Fund Transfer from and to Overseas

Basically, there are no specific provisions regarding restrictions on the number of accounts in offs...